




Details, details, details! If you’ve made it this far you are either curious about detail day, or you are a big fan of details like I am! But what is detail day even? I like to describe detail day as an opportunity to capture all of your wedding day details ahead of your wedding day. […]

If you’re reading this, you either have a boudoir session booked or are considering one. Either way, yay! You should be really proud of yourself because I personally understand how difficult and vulnerable this decision feels. I wanted to create a resource that was readily available with my personal tips and tricks for boudoir! Start […]

Minneapolis Boudoir Photographer | Preparing For Your Session

February 15, 2023

Oh my gosh, happy wedding day! Is what you’re going to hear about one thousand times today. YAY! You made it! With all the planning and hustle and bustle of greeting family and guests, I wanted to make a list that highlights some of the important items you may be forgetting before you say “I […]

Five Things You Are Probably Forgetting Before Your Wedding Day

January 18, 2023

I thought today I would take you all behind the scenes and share what’s in my camera bag! I think it’s important to note that I’ve been photographing for over 10 years. There is no camera bag that sets the standard for the rest of the industry. You have to find out what works best […]

What’s In My Camera Bag

December 13, 2022

As someone who loves to be prepared, I understand the uncertainty and questions surrounding your engagement session. For most of you, it’ll be our first time interacting in person and maybe your first time being photographed. I’ve heard all of the questions. “What should I wear?” “Where will we go?” “What time should we meet?” […]

Tips for Your Engagement Session

January 5, 2022

I’m a Minneapolis wedding, lifestyle, and dog photographer with enthusiasm for chai tea lattes, dog snuggles, Pizza Lucé and movie dates with my husband. I live for well planned days and organization. My lists have lists!

Hi! I'm Olivia.
Lover of pups and people!